Thursday, May 30, 2013

Oh the magic of Disney

spontaneity:: {spon-ta-ne-i-ty} noun. The quality or state of being spontaneous.

If this trip wasn't spontaneous... I don't know what is! Justin and I decided on Thursday to drive to California the next day. We have been wanting to try out my 50mpg car... And that we did. (yes, got there on ONE tank) I can't explain this trip without the pictures. So here ya go!

Round of applause, please. Justin drove my AUTOMATIC car for half of the drive down

hello, moon
We were lucky enough to stay with Justin's cousin and her family. I like to think of her as Aunt Cherie... Their house is only 15 minutes from Six Flags, and because roller coasters are my thing, I was STOKED! Little did I know that my little friend here wasn't so fond of them.

Our first ride was one called GOLIATH... Scary right? Okay, it really was quite frightening. There was a lady in line by herself that we started talking to. We asked why she was by herself and her answer was, "My husband is outside waiting for me because this ride makes him black out." ....oh. In the middle of the ride, I finally understood what she meant. 
Feeling sick, we went on to the next ride, and the next. The third ride we rode was "The Green Lantern." I literally started crying afterwards. It is one of those rides that your feet dangle and you are strapped in with a shoulder secure. It just hurt. I don't have any other words to describe it. Poor Justin felt like he was going to throw up... and that he did. He sure left his mark in the bushes at six flags... yuck. Sorry, love!
This picture was taken just a few minutes after the barfing actually occurred.
 Don't know how he looks so good. 
The lighting in this ride really was green....
But this perfectly describes how he was feeling

Even though we called it an early day, It really was fun! (For me, at least)

Disney Sunday was a WHOLE NEW WORLD! (no pun intended ;P)

We were so excited we could barely stand it. 

Do you notice that he got 100,000 more points than me?

Yes, by 10am I had a churro in my hand...
I thought I was used to feeling like a little kid by dating Justin. No, I wasn't trying to be rude. We just like things that little kids like... But Disney day was different. We were so giddy and hyper allllll day! Thanks to Aunt Cherie, we got all the Disney secrets. We got there early and always had fast passes in our hands. I am NOT kidding when I tell you we did EVERY ride in Disney and California Adventure. It was nothing short of amazing. 

We tried to time the peace signs just right... haha this is how it turned out.
**cheesy** But literally couldn't be happier with my best friend
We got so wet... All part of the fun, right?

These faces are real, not planned like the space mountain ones.
I think the little girl behind me is crying because of my scream...
Sorry, child. 


I think I converted Justin to my love for California Adventure. Little did we know the day had just begun.

Tower of Terror... Classic.

Hold the phone, CARS WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!! The wait was never less than 120 minutes. Holy cow, that is two hours people. We decided with the single riders line, which was still 45 minutes. It was so fun! Yes, we went twice!

Luckily we got in the same car... Justin got shawty.

Poor little child was exhausted.
Came out of the bathroom to this.
Not framed... this is real.

Let me explain to you why this picture is blurry. I was player 2, and WON by 30,000 points on Toy Story.
Justin was hurt and embarrassed by this, so he decided to nudge my camera while I was taking the picture
Sore loser
Yay for me!

We ate our way through the parks... Literally
We took pictures of every snack and meal that we consumed.
This ice cream was to die for.
I would drive down just for another cup.

Anddddddd yes, what would a trip to the park be without a
nom nom nom

At the end of the day we headed back to Disney for the classic Dumbo and Peter Pan...


This picture perfectly describes why we shouldn't stop MEN to take our pictures... LOL
blurry, off centered, didn't turn on the flash, cut off dumbo!

If the day wasn't already perfect, we topped it off with New Orleans beignets, fantasmic, and fireworks. I wish that I could have paused that moment and put it in a jar for later. I dreaded it ending. I guess I will have to settle with an amazing memory with my closest friend. Can't wait to do it again!

xoxo, McCall Rose