Thursday, May 30, 2013

Norway day...

May 17, 2013 is Norway's independence day! (I am a little late on posting...)

Luckily, there are enough Norwegians here in Utah to have a F E S T I V A L!!! So yes, I joined in to see what Norway was all about.

Well let me tell you that if Norway is even half of what the festival was, I cannot wait to get there! People in amazingly awesome wool Christmas sweaters, folk dancing, yummy food, and almost too much Norwegian pride for one place.

I have recently found a new love for hot dogs... GASP! I know, I know... but just deal with it. The love definitely grew in Chicago. Have you ever tried a Chicago dog? Oh gosh, my mouth is currently watering. Well apparently Norwegians eat a lot of hot dogs. At the festival they served hot dogs but not on a bun... on a TORTILLA! A non-flour, potato tortilla. They were quite yummy, actually. I also found that Norwegians drink a lot of orange soda... random, but that's fine. I don't drink soda so I did not partake. Their cake, oh my goodness, it was amazing. I don't even know where to start! Yummmm

Okay enough about that, I will just let the pictures do the talking.

Already lovin this flag
So I have already started trying to learn the language. I feel blessed that I don't have to learn a completely new alphabet. Only adding three more letters... All of these make different O sounds... I can barely hear the difference between all of them.

I hope this is a daily occurrence in the streets... Very entertaining folk dancing, people

Do you think I can serve my mission in this outfit? I sure hope so!!!1

Jeg elsker Norge!

mye kjærlighet, McCall Rose