
l i g h t h o u s e . . . by mccallrose
       i wrote this poem for all of those people in our lives that keep us on track and remind us how special we are. i know that without my lighthouse, i would be in waters that aren't so bright. 

A small wooden boat exhausted form travels, 
rocks back and forth to the rhythm of the waves. 
Fatigued, bruised and worn this boat could soon unravel,
but prepares for night as the sun sets on another long day. 

Quickly and quietly darkness engulfs this little wooden boat, 
while floating slowly to a destination clearly unknown. 
Suddenly in the distance appeared a tiny light of hope,
could this be a star? Or the moon that is shone? 

As the boat traveled toward it and the light became near,
this little wooden boat was no longer lost in the bay. 
For this light was no moon or no star that appeared, 
but a lighthouse on the shore simply lighting the way. 

This lighthouse meant warmth, love and protection, 
as it stood tall on the rocks emanating a surety.
For once, this little wooden boat had a sense of direction,
and a guardian of its own lovely security. 

For too long its happiness and purpose were mistaken, 
until this newly clear vision was lit with a spark. 
This little bruised vessel would no longer be forsaken,
as this strong, promised light would never go dark. 

No matter the length of the trip, or the harshness of the spray,
the lighthouse will always stand still, lighting up the night.
Because when this boat is worn and lost at the end of the day,
it will look to the shore to be found by that simple house of light. 

All About you --by mccallrose

You hate that I know you, or that I can even write this
But getting to know you had been nothing but bliss

You critique your food more than anyone I know
And love it when Timmy, Romo, or Zito get to throw

You fancy young fellows with classy handlebars,
And why you keep your clothes tagged is quite bizarre

You’re definitely fond of my hair in a bun
As well as soaking your bones and being in the sun

You’d drop about anything to play a quick eighteen
And love leaving your room so spotless and pristine

You’ve never left a restaurant without a dang toothpick
And you can always whip out some kind of weird statistic

You love yourself a good, risky bet
But not backing down on Takashi is what you should regret

You live for just throwing your Subi in neutch
And wouldn’t be caught dead with owning a pooch

Obsessed with leather, whiskey, black diamonds and rings
You’re easily serenaded by Cudi, Lil Wayne, and the Kings

You throw your head back at those who rock the deep V
And laugh even harder when we start to disagree

You go crazy for those lights, a handful of dice or a show
You also think sushi is the perfect food for… well you know

You let your toes hang out of your well-worn slippers
And as a morning person, you’re all kinds of chipper

You kiddingly mock gym rats with big trucks
And think that most kids are scary and bad luck

You find simple delight in a frozen glass of milk
As well as sliding in cold sheets made of something and silk

You’ll solemnly admit to being labeled “that guy”
But how can you not be with those dimples and green eyes

You roll your eyes when I keep pecking your cheek
Although you secretly love how you make me so weak

You can try to keep yourself hidden deep inside
But I’ll continue to read you like a book open wide

I fall more in love when I watch all you do,
For I am enchanted by knowing just all about you

feet with words-- by mccallrose

If my feet could speak, I wonder the sound
And the words about life down there on the ground

Unstable and confused at first they stood
But quickly they ran, even jump they could

In and out of tights, shoes, and socks
Pulling out slivers and stubbing toes on rocks

The longer they walked the more peculiar the shoe
That would jam, tightened and even squeeze them too

I am sure they hated those long dance days
Where bruises and blisters would usually stay

But performing they would always be looking their best
Pointing and keeping my balance in test

On the dirt in Kenya they were grateful for cover
Then gave up their shoes for the feet of another

Wiggling in the sand and to the beat they tap
Then in the cold ocean the salty water they lap

At our favorite place they frolic in the lake
Shining with oil under the sun they bake

Today they sit with a newly pedicured glow
Wishing they could speak and so I would just know

They sure would be tired after so much strain
But hopefully the good always weighs out the pain

Here and there they’ve walked different paths
And rewarded they are as they sink in the bath

With a closet full of fun shoes to pick
Together the good taste of life we’ve surely licked

I’m grateful for you, right and left feet
Helping me stand tall and keep things neat

Thank you for helping me run, jump and walk
And someday I really hope we will get to talk 

Haley Lorraine Hutchins --by mccallrose

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BEST FRIEND! We have had some of the best times together, and I am honestly so blessed to have her in my life. Thanks for everything you do precious. <3

Short blonde hair brushing her red Minnie coat
Big bows and blue eyes, I was trying not to dote

I kept my distance scared of her pride
Hate her or love here, I couldn’t quite decide

It took me a week to stop my nonsense
And realize we were each others and no longer on the fence

Glamorous and shakira and shaking our hips
Code names and notes and gloss on our lips

clubs and sleepovers, we’d stay up and dream
of happily ever after and all kinds of scenes

Pink was our color and FB our name
“twins!” people said, we were two of the same

Summers flew by and boys in and out
Laughing and crying way too much, no doubt

Sneaking bikinis and running bare feet
Jonah and Omar were so happy to meet

We filled our dance breaks with popsicles and tanning
You were just living and I was just planning

Drinking diet coke and endless photos
Blasting music at the spot and going to the dodo

Boulevard cruising on every spring break
And ignoring the girls that seemed so fake

Facebook, twitter, and snap chat’s our thing
But both making fun of the other while they sing

Prom and graduation came and went so fast
Memories with you wont be forgotten in the past

We’ve had hard times as good friends have passed away
And whatever the future holds, you’ll be in my heart to stay

I love you even with those freckles and gobble
So I’ll be here to lean on when you ever fall or wobble

The one and only Precious, Rose has known for 10 years
Looking forward to 60 more and to conquer all our fears

Thank you Thank you Thank you is all I can say
      Happy birthday best friend, FYYIBA

To you-- by mccallrose

When you came, I was too young to comprehend
The needs you had and the problems we were to mend.

Under bright lights and winding tubes,
I held your perfect body wrapped in blue.

Little fingers stretched around mine 
And looking into your almond-shaped eyes.

Over the years stresses never left our home,
Sometimes what to do was certainly unknown.

Now looking back on struggle with patience,
The mystery of your arrival suddenly made sense.

A miracle baby that has taught me so much;
And everyday with you, my heart is so touched.

You make me laugh when you're not afraid to sing, 
And teach me how to love all the small things. 

As time moves on and I continue to learn,
I want you by my side at every turn.

To you buddy, I will always be in debt;
Since I am a better me, from the very day we met. 

Today I couldn't imagine life without you,
If you weren't here I don't know what I'd do!

Thank you for always putting a smile on my face;
                                  Because anywhere with you, is my favorite place. 

The best of friends-- mccallrose

Moving home for summer is definitely bittersweet. The five girls I moved down to Provo with are seriously my best friends. I love them to the moon and back and I would do anything for them... so naked lady babes, here's to you <3

The six of us with sparkling eyes

Moved from home to get taught from the wise

Had no expectations and full of fear

To embark on the journey of freshman year

But what we learned aside from our books,

Were the sisters we’d gain that we before overlooked

Running down the halls in just our bare feet

And holding each other when our world was defeat

Hiding from the ones that told us we were too loud

Acting and dressing like boys and oh so proud

Never shutting our eyes before morning hours

And pranking each other even in the shower

Music videos and rapping til we drop

Flirting for free food will just never stop

Never have I thought I could love them so deeply

And would take a bullet for each of them on the weekly

When we are away from each other, far away and alone

Ours is the connection that will never be outgrown

As the year ends, I’ll bring home more than is seen

Because having each of you should be gifts to a queen

                                                                                           Love you <3

My Savior-- by mccallrose

My brother, friend and prince of peace
After paying the ultimate price, he was released
Begging to the father to take away the pain
But knowing it was hopeless as his robe he would stain
Nailed and hanging for wet eyes to look 
Under wicked man's thumb, his innocent life was took
As a resurrected man he provided us a way
To truly repent so we aren't the ones to pay
Clinging to the rod man will continue to travel
And always looking forward to the marvelous white castle 
The raging black river of sin will whisk some away 
But my brother's rescuing hand will be there to stay
Living my life and trying to be like him
and calling his name when my life gets dim
A perfect life was lived to call his own
So the path to be walked was clearly shone
When I come to a trial that will take all I can be 
Motivation will come from knowing all that the Savior has done for me 

War is my Religion -- by mccall rose

[I wrote this for a class in 2009, and it is one of my favorites. It is written for those soldiers that are forever changed by war. I am extremely grateful for those that dedicate their lives for my freedom]

I go to church and know what is right
I stand up for my beliefs of truth and light
I study my book and put my trust in God
I'd never do a thing to stray away from his rod
I've heard the laws and the tower of babel
And done my best to stay away from the labels
My life is so pleasant I couldn't ask for more
But today that changed when I got drafted for war

Clean cut and dressed to all look the same
Don't know what to expect and who's to blame

Five weeks in Vietnam my eyes became weak
They were immune to disgust with something good to seek 
After all I've been through, my God had left me 
There was no way he was here after the evil I've seen 

March of 1968 My Lai was a swamp of blood
Innocent civilians laying lifeless in the mud
109 of these people died with no choice
Because our commander yelled, "fire" with no respect of our voice
I saw a child with tears streaming down his face
As a soldier casually shot his mother because of her race
I stood at attention in helpless awe
It was then I realized I had been scraped raw

Soldier enlist as a fresh slab of clay
And the subtle, evil acts of war mold them day by day
I have lost all remembrance of life before this
The damage and deceit was hidden by a hero's kiss
The things I experienced stay in my mind like a sin

                                      I am forever changed, war is now my religion.

        grow old with me -- mccallrose

i dont think i ask of much
like diamonds, shoes and clothes of such
but there are some things i will suggest
and i'll say please as these i address
i'd like you to hold my hand in the car
and climb on the roof to watch the stars
i'd like you to kiss my forehead
even after fighting and the mean words we've said
i'd like you to laugh at my dumb jokes
and be my secret buddy when we make fun of folks
i'd like you to pretend to be impressed when i cook
and try to listen when i explain my favorite book
i'd like you to tell me no lies
even when you need a night just with the guys
everyday i'd like you to smile 
so i can remember any problem is worth while
i'd like you to lastly replace i to we
put it all on the line and grow old with me

eyes-- by mccallrose

dark like a starless sky, rich like melted chocolate
but hopeful like the start of spring
flawless as a newly shaped coin
but magnificent like a waveless glass-like lake
my reflection comes from this eye
but not just any eye, it was hers.

the eye that has watched over her two younger siblings 
the eye that cried tears of joy at the site of a meal
the eye that searched desperately for water 
the eye that watched her dirt caked feet run

different from the blue eyes enhanced with color and sparkle
lined with pencil and protected by dark black curled lashes

this eye held no lies and showed no fear
an eye that had seen horrid things
 but was still completely innocent

a perfect eye of an African child starring back at me

and thats when my eyes changed
changed to be more humble, more friendly and more giving
and changed to view others eyes just as innocent as hers

when i look at my own eyes through the square of glass on my wall
i will see a piece of her and be grateful
and in turn search to change others eyes...
just like she changed mine.

 he and her-- by mccall.rose

 Brand new dress and lipgloss for school 
Dress code and carpool and all new rules 
in a big place other than elementary
finding who she is and who she should be
she always missed a move like some sort of game
but when she caught his eye, nothing would be the same

brand new shoes and big green eyes
her breathe was taken and then let out with a sigh 
if the girl in the dress only realized
that the boy with those eyes would far more than a surprise

secrets and giggles and late night drives
tears and kisses it was the time of their lives
because of him her world was at peace
all her worries and troubles were decreased
a best friend her own to console 
unplanned and quick he stole her heart as a whole

for seven years now, she's been all his
and everyday without him he is surely missed 
their story might not be the perfect fairy tale
but she will never regret one fight or one fail

as she patiently counts down for that long awaited day
he won't leave her mind even a half world away
people will talk but never fully understand
how much they've gone through together hand in hand

the boy with those eyes will start their journey with a smile 
towards the girl in the dress as she walks down the aisle 
their story is simple but will be forgotten never
             because that girl in the dress will love him forever.