Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Okay people, do you see that little munchkin on the far right? Well, she is engaged... engaged to be MARRIED!!!!!!! Um excuse me, are we old enough to do this? This picture was taken when we were 15/16 years of age and it honestly feels like yesterday! 

I will be the first one to say that Breann is one of a kind. The nicest, most thoughtful and loving person I have ever met. Having said that, her future husband better be up to par. And this is where I introduce Jordan Hilton. Everyone claims, "they are perfect for each other" when talking about other couples. Well people, these two really are PERFECT for each other. If there was a male-version of Breann, it would be none other than her fiance, Jordan. 

Enough prefacing. This is how he did it....

So last Tuesday evening, I was just sitting in Biology class minding my own business and my phone starts to ring. "Great. Sorry teacher!" I hurried and ignored it, but it was Lauren. She knows I am in class so why is she calling me? Not even five seconds after I ignore the call, I get a text message "CALL ME" followed by "HURRY" followed by "Its an EMERGENCY!" Thank you Lauren for making me think my parents died in a horrific house fire. So naturally, I get out of my seat in the middle of the lecture and dramatically/awkwardly run out into the hallway. When Lauren answers she is laughing and says, "Wow! That was quick." WELL YA I THOUGHT SOMEONE HAD DIED! 

After my heart stopped beating so fast Lauren threw another curve ball. "Hey Jordan called me and he is proposing to Breann tonight!" And that is when my heart started up again. Beating even faster than the first. (Sorry mom and dad) How was I supposed to sit through the next hour and half of Biology and focus? Well I just couldn't, so I left. 

A small group of us met at the bottom of the Ensign peak trail head. Knowing that he was at the top popping the question right then, me and Lauren couldn't even control ourselves. So these faces are expected, right? 

Jordan gave Bre a Book of Mormon with Jordan and Breann Hilton engraved on the front of it. Flipping to her favorite scripture, Bre found that it was already highlighted. And written at the bottom of it was "will you marry me?"

**This is where it gets cheesy so scroll over if you are anti-cheese**
When Bre and Jord came around the corner to meet us the look on Bre's face was priceless. Not funny priceless, but like, that is the happiest girl in the world, priceless. Instant tears in my eyes and eventually all over my face. 

If there were anyone I would choose to take care of Bre, it would be Jordan. Probably the two best individual people that I know... So I can't imagine the power couple they are going to be!! 

Save the date people!!! AUGUST 13! So guess what that means? Yes, I get to be there! I am so excited to see one of my best friends get married in the temple before I leave on my mission. All that I ask is that there is no baby in the oven until I am back home. ......I'm not kidding, guys. 

Congrats to the happy couple! 
l o v e y o u b r e 

xox, McCall Rose