Sunday, November 18, 2012

just because

when music comes on i dance like a fool
and laugh until my stomach hurts
i like holding hands in the car
and am obsessed with flossing my teeth

i hate that i have an 8am class
and would rather get sleep than go to the funnest party ever
i like gold more than silver
and can't stand when my nails aren't painted

i sleep with two, yes two, baby blankets
and pee more than anyone i know
i have a small obsession with orange juice
and pretend that i can cook really well

when i get embarrassed i start to sweat
but i laugh way too hard when i am feeling nervous
i give people the silent treatment when im angry
and i pretend to look at my phone when i fell awkward

i can't sleep without saying my prayers
and have to eat at least three meals a day
i hate it when people don't text me back
and i am freakishly scared of being scared

i have a bucket list written out somewhere
and i have 18 boards on pinterest
i am terribly good at faking sick
but hate more than anything when people lie

i feel mysterious when i wear lipstick
and i think im really good at walking in high heels
i have multiple items in my online shopping cart that i will never buy 
and there are few things i love more than a foot massage

i eat pancakes without syrup
and i dont shower everyday
i pick hang nails until they bleed
and i hate mayonnaise, mustard, and black licorice 

i never go the speed limit
and i check my grades every day
i love writing with cheap pens
and i have no shame that i sing in the shower

i have a talent with giving dirty looks
and i laugh at people that do dumb things
i hate crushed ice
and frequently crave any kind of mexican food

i go running to clear my head
and pop just about every joint when i wake up
i laugh at the same dumb jokes 
and i keep tabs on how many retweets i get

i have several poems that i just cannot finish
and i love movies that make me cry
i hate to admit that i am wrong
and if i lost my planner i would probably die

i am a succor for anything at j.crew
and love it when my boy has scruff
i have so many shoes it is a bit absurd
and i take at least 10 pictures everyday 

i am the WORST speller you have ever met
and i wish i had a six pack
i can nap like its my job
and i am ashamed of my dirty mouth

i love country music
and i appreciate a nice, shiny car
i hate that i love road trips
and wish my life was a movie

i couldnt think of anything to blog about
so i just started typing things about me... just because
i am weird, awkward, and sometimes manor-less
but i wake up smiling because i love countless things in my life 

and thats all...for now