Wednesday, November 7, 2012

one of those days...

what does that even mean anyway? when people says its just "one of those days".... are you supposed to be happy for them? or apologize? 
well.... you never really want to be having one of those days. 
and today, was one of them. 

it started off with an awful night's rest. my apartment thought it would be a good idea to only have a swamp cooler in the living room.... well, thats not a good idea. i honestly thought i was going through menopause because of the heat flash that so graciously decided to stay the night. there are not many things worse than being hot while you sleep. ....but after hitting my head a few times on my cubby of a bed, having to pee twice during the night, and my lovely roommate whose bunk bed is right above mine wouldn't stop moving... being hot didn't seem like such an issue. 

when my alarm went off my eyes felt like they had been open for 500 years. there was no way i was putting my contacts in. but somehow i seemed to shove them in my blood shot eyeballs. 

having class at 8am is not something i suggest, kids. 
honestly..... DONT DO IT.
 it is freezing outside, no one is awake, and it is freezing outside. 

my second class was the most peculiar and alarming thing. 
my professor walked in and instead of saying something like "hello" or maybe good morning he said, "im already apologizing for being in a bad mood... its just one of those days. So, don't cross me."
well, unfortunately for him there were students, three to be exact, that decided to "cross him" 
one student, a male, was asked to leave class for asking an irrelevant question 
the second student, a female, was arguing a little too much for comfort... and she was asked to leave
and the last, a male who happened to be sitting right next to me, thought it would be fun to keep his phone out after the professor asked him three times to put it away. after slamming his hand on the table and a loud yell of "WHYARE YOU EVEN HERE?" the third student was asked to leave.

luckily, i was done at 11 and basically ran home because i was so hungry. i finally felt quite pleased with myself after filling my belly and then decided to turn on the television.
 CNN to be exact. 
i had almost forgotten how pissed i was that Obama was re-elected. 
i immediately turned it off and decided with gossip girl for my pre-nap entertainment. 

yet again i thought i had turned my day around..... AND THEN...
Dan Humphrey (gossip girl) just had to walk his sorry, hideous butt into Blair's house and ask for a place to sleep. rolling my eyes i was unpleasantly surprised when she smirked and AGREED to let him stay. and of course that is when the episode ended. 

maybe my nap would help me out with my mood. 

(these are annoying girl screams that were happening right outside my window when i finally shut my eyes to sleep)

she got her mission call. so what. don't bring your whole ward to hover around the mailboxes to open your call. go inside and sit down like a normal person. if you honestly cannot wait to open it, keep your blood curdling screams to yourself. you aren't even speaking a foreign language. 

well at this point i still had two and a half hours until my night class started. 
i will use this time to get things done that i need to. 

**two hours later** 

i had been on pinterest for how long? 
you have got to be kidding me.
why couldn't i get anything done? 
what was wrong with me?

thanks to the thousands of pins i had just scrolled through, i had now become depressed about my cooking skills, non bikini bod, wedding hungry self, and oh so sad closet.

i sulked to my room to get dressed for class and stood in front of my closet with literal tears rolling down my face. literally literal real not fake tears coming out of my eye balls. 
this is ridiculous. 

i put on the first thing i saw with agreeing to not look in the mirror and put my hair in a china bun. 
yes a china bun. 
i figured when people saw it they would already know "how i was doing"
it wasn't even a question that needed to be asked because people knew:

im sitting in class now listening to my overly enthusiastic professor wondering if i threw my pen hard enough and knocked him out if i could go home...
no, im not sorry.

some of my smartest friends tell me to make goals when i feel like this.... so that is exactly what i have done (well more of a to-do list)

1. open all the windows tonight for a natural A/C
2. go to bed at 10... (i can tell you right now this one wont be happening)
3. don't turn on the news for the next month
4. be happy for people when they get their mission calls.... (if they dont scream) 
5. when feeling awful about yourself: stay off of pinterest 
6. buy heavier pens
7. my diet starts right now 
8. and most importantly: be more accepting and less surprised when these "kinds of days" come along

they do come once a month after all...