Thursday, September 20, 2012

I miss this

Today, I miss dancing. For twelve years of my life I was fully committed to one and one thing only and that was my favorite thing in the world, dance. It was my outlet, my talent, my joy, my exercise, my ability to express myself, and my second home. I am so terribly sad that I have retired my point shoes, biker shorts, fake eyelashes and sore dance muscles.... but looking back has made me so grateful for the time and opportunity I had to do the thing I loved very most. I will always do a few pirouettes when I walk in the kitchen with socks on. I  will always stretch and do my splits to ensure that my flexibility doesn't go too far away. And I will always start to dance when my favorite songs blare through a set of speakers. As time moves on, and I continue to miss my dancing, I will add more items to my jar of "ward talent show acts". I will always be grateful, but today I will long for my second home.