Wednesday, July 24, 2013

the highlights

Hello. It is July 24th and I have slept in my own bed probably less than 5 times this whole month! I have been on vacation every week... which means, I have been on vacation from my blog as well.

Ya know, it's like a golf game. Who wants to sit and watch the WHOLE game on television? No one. So we are just going to do a little "golf game" recap, or what I like to call July Highlights.

+Disneyland round 2 & San Diego, CA
This is a "while on Dumbo ride, use front camera action shot"

Hiking in 300 degree weather in long leggings anddddddd my G's. hello.

Sappy beach pic... Get over it


+Independence Day
I wish I could claim this berry creative american flag... But my mother gets the cedit.

Nothing like a 4th of July parade photobomb

woops... that's a selfie.


+Lake Powell round 2
It was a scenic background

Apparently I'm good with kids, and he is good on the wakeboard. Just finding my inner housewife early.


+Disneyland round 3
Say hello to my lego friend, Samantha

Favorite treat, favorite peeps, favorite place

Cousin Amy... She is 5ft, so obviously I squat to look the same height...
awkward body fail.

Right now I am sitting in the sand in Newport, CA thinking how unrealistic my life has been the past few weeks! But I can finally sleep at night because I have updated my blog. [Newport post: stay tuned]

xoxo, McCall Rose