Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Mr. & Mrs.

June 15, 2013 was such an exciting day for our family! Not only was it our family's first wedding, but I got another sister! My older brother, Dallin, met his cute wife in October of 2011. He asked her out after a friend gave him her number, and they went RUNNING as their first date. Let me just stop this story right here and inform you that I would have turned down a first date if the asker would have mentioned running. HECK NO! First of all, I would play out the whole scene my head beforehand and it looks something like a scene from 'The Strangers', since they went at midnight, full moon, and up the canyon. Secondly, I do not know how you are supposed to get to know someone when you are huffing and puffing up a mountain. I look terrible when I'm running, not to mention the amount of sweat that I produce. But SOME HOW they still liked each other afterward. It took them 20 months too long to FINALLY get married.

Seriously though, I could not be happier about who he chose. **caution cheesy material** Carlyn is the most selfless and giving person I have ever met! She is so spiritual, hilarious and on top of all of that she is stunning.

On Friday, June 14 they had a very small wedding dinner at Market Street Grill in Cottonwood Heights. The food was the best wedding food I've ever had... No bias opinion, either. Guests had the choice of either halibut or steak. I chose the fish of course! The program consisted of three siblings on each side giving a little roast/toast to either the bride or groom. Since Lacee wasn't there and her speech was emailed, and Austin needed a little help, I went up to the mic THREE times. **thats favorite child points right there.** Instead of boring you with my speech, how about some pictures?

Saturday was such a great day, but one of the LONGEST in my life. The ceremony wasn't until 2:30 so we had a leisure morning and early afternoon. There was no coincidence that Dallin and Carlyn went running the morning of their ceremony. But come on, seriously?? Ironically though, me and my mother were late. Oops. We had decided last minute to decorate Dallin's car, since they weren't doing a reception. Just picture me and my mother in the 105 degree parking garage in our nice sunday best trying to climb on top of Dallin's FILTHY jeep to write on it. My G's were hanging out left and right as people drove past in the parking garage, I had paint all over my hands, and my mascara was running. By the time we were actually in the temple, our hair was flat, our makeup was off and we had sweat in places that you just don't want it.

All jokes aside though, I felt SO lucky that I was able to actually go inside the temple and see them get married. It was perfect.

After the temple, the perfection really came to a screeching halt. Me of all people LOVE photographs. But, I think adding hunger and heat exhaustion to 1,000 pictures really got to me. I felt like a rabid squirrel! One thing you gotta know about me is that I when I get hungry and don't get food... Well, I turn into the hulk, literally. It wasn't a pretty picture. (No pun intended. Lolz) Okay I really am kidding about the perfection part because I couldn't have asked for a better day for them. So glad that it went so well for them, and I could not be happier!

In the words of Austin Frampton, HAPPY MARRIAGE!

xoxo, McCall Rose