Saturday, April 20, 2013

the windy city

First time to Chicago was a success! I honestly fell in love with the city. Who in their right mind thinks our salt lake city downtown is actually a city?! I could not believe how many skyscrapers there were. Come to find out, you never even have to leave these buildings! I am not kidding... In the approx 50 floors there are apartments, offices, doctors, dentists, movie theaters, gyms, restaurants, pools and even ice skating rinks! Not just in one building though, in the majority of them!!! That is crazy talk.

We were so lucky to be able to stay with Justin's brother Jeff and his cute wife, Nicole. They were so nice to welcome their home to us!! And fortunately for us, they were the best tour guides around.

We went to the Giants vs. Cubs game on Friday. We all wore our Giants gear, of course. Sadly SF lost in the last inning.... But I would go again to watch any team. Not just for the baseball, but for the hot dogs! ... yes, I said it..... For the HOT DOGS!


I took this just because Dark Knight was filmed in Chicago,
and these policemen look EXACTLY like the Gotham city police!

SF Giants Vs. Chicago Cubs

The game was freeeezzzzzing!
But it was so so so much fun.
Best pizza I have ever had... Yes, that is pizza.
The cheese and ingredients were on the bottom, with the sauce on top
We wanted to have it everyday!

Saturday, We spent the day site seeing. I loved every minute of it. We were able to take a boat tour of the city. Such a fun way to see everything, but I would suggest going on a day when the sun is actually out and the temperature is higher than 40! burrrrrrrr!

Loved walking around Navy Pier... 

Is this for real???

Justin caught this picture mid "sqwak"

 On Sunday, I wasn't feeling too well. The wind, the rain and the cold was getting to me. Fortunately, Sunday was the warmest day. Me and Justin got to enjoy the weather without our parkas on. I would be confident to say it was the prettiest Sunday walk I have ever been on.
Best Sunday Stroll

sooooooo artsy 

I love ferris wheels

 Later on Sunday, we found ourselves at the Bean..... K this is the weirdest thing ever! So many people come to take pictures around it and of their reflections. Everyone turns into little kids again laughing at each other and chasing their twin in the mirror. Yes, we found ourselves as little kids along with every body else.
Paid a visit to the bean....

I don't know why this picture was so funny to us...
Probably because of the family picture that Justin is photobombing

On Monday, I did one of the scariest things I have ever done in my life... First of all, let me preface that I hate heights..... HATE THEM! Chicago is home to tallest building in the Western Hemisphere, weighing in at a whopping 103 stories! It is called the Willis Tower. I am sure you can see where this is going.... Tourists from all over the world come to join in on this thrill of an adventure. It isn't the $20 elevator ride that will getcha though, it is the glass box that is chillin at 103 stories for people to go in and pee their pants. Well, ya. That's just about what happened. 

Side note: I am pretty confident that I know Justin forwards and backwards and sideways and upways... But come to find out, I didn't know my little chicken was scared of heights until we were thrown onto our death beds. And now, I will just let the picture do the talking..... (So glad this Croatian gentleman could catch the terror on our faces)

Until we meet again, Chicago....

xox, McCall Rose