Thursday, March 28, 2013

consider the blessings

Recently, I re-listened to the talk by President Monson from October general conference titled, Consider the Blessings. It made me think of all the small things we forget to be grateful for.

We are all so caught up in getting the best of the best when in reality WE HAVE the best of the best. I wish that everyone would just simply be grateful! Being humble is an attitude and perspective that changes how we look at everything and everyone. Lately, I have found myself unhappy and wanting more out of my life, but after listening to that talk again, I feel more blessed than I ever have.

+Could you imagine a house without carpet? Or a room without a door? How about a day without food? Or a child without shoes? Why do we overlook our house full of electricity? Or our many cars in the driveway? Not only that but we live in a free country! I would hate walking to school in the cold without a coat, or even without a bag to carry my books.
+Could you live not knowing that we will see loved ones after death? I don't know how my life would be without socks, music or rain. Do we even want to ponder upon a world without flowers? How about a life without sound, our sight, or two legs?
+I forget how lucky I am to know how to read, to know how to dream, and to know how to love. I don't know about you but I am sure grateful for floss. Could you imagine life without hugs? Or even kisses for that matter. Don't even get me started on hulu, instagram, snl and twitter.
+How would our lives be if there was no such thing as news or newspaper? I don't think people appreciate being sad, because it makes them realize how much they love being happy. Could we even fathom our lives without friends, siblings or parents?
+I don't even want to think about living a life without the knowledge and blessings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Or without the ability to pray to my Father in Heaven, or even a life without the atonement.

It is hard to remember all of these things every second of everyday. But what I am trying to make a change in is the little things. Instead of complaining about my nails not being done, I can stop and think about how grateful I am even for fingernails to be painted upon. Or when pouting about having to go to the gas station to fill up my empty car, I could maybe just smile knowing how lucky I am to even have one. And lastly, when I am envying others about the things they have that I don't, I could just stop for a minute and look around.
A friend once told me that it is the small, daily decisions we make everyday that determine who we are, where we are going, and what we are going to become. I have made it a nightly goal to write down just three things that I was grateful for that day... After tonight, I will keep this list in my journal but tonight, I will blab them to you.

++alarm clocks. Most days, this is a hard one to claim as a blessing, but could you imagine how behind schedule everyone would be without them???? My OCD would be through the roof!
++automatic windows. Today was so warm outside and I could not help but roll my windows down and enjoy the weather while I was driving!
++texting. I don't know what I would have to do if I had to talk on the phone with ALL of the people that I send a daily text to (not that I text a lot of people). But sometimes it is nice to send a text to your mother instead of talking on the phone. (i love you mom!) k, you understand.

thats all for now.

xox mccallrose