Wednesday, February 6, 2013

byu+men's shoes

having attended byu for five solid semesters, there are certain trends that I have been able to notice. Some of those trends range from where the married couples hang out, to what buildings have a hierarchy of seating arrangements, all the way to what kind of girls use which campus bathrooms.

I have come to realize that I am a very observant person... whether it be for the good or for the bad, its just how it is. And this certain ongoing trend is one that cant go unignored.

the byu campus and men's shoes.
...what do these have in common, you may ask. but I am here to tell you. No, I have not conducted a formal research study, held a survey or even used the scientific method. But I have used my handy-dandy observational skills.

Let me just preface and say I do not judge a person by the shoes that they are wearing, I am simply stating there is a reoccurring correlation between the shoes that men choose to wear and their overall style/and or mannerisms. Yes, there are always those exceptions to my rules, but I am convinced I am right 98% of the time. You may agree or disagree but let me just say again, I am not a hater... simply an observer.

+the usual byu tom-wearer is one that is a very peculiar type. The toms are usually paired with a pair of uncomfortably tight skinny jeans, and a hair style close to one of Jef Holm's. They are most of the time accessorized with a colorful pair of striped socks and an exciting-patterned backpack (usually from the country in which they served their mission)

+you didn't think you were going to see these beauties after high school did you? Well they are few and far between but still very present in the byu, men's shoe world. These kids are the best. They are the back-row sitters and always feel awkward when I make a joke or ask them what their name is. They were most-likely the shoes they wore in high school and are still having happy reunions with them since returning from their missions. The wearer of these shoes are most likely owners of a skateboard and are the first to petition the no beard rule of the honor code.

cowboy boots.
+yes. you hear them clicking and clacking behind you on the dreaded morning walk to campus. You always sneakily turn around halfway to see the source of the sound, and find mr. southerner. Hands-down one of the sweetest souls. Either went to one of the southern states on their mission and have endless stories about the variety of fried foods they consumed... OR born and raised in the heart of Tennessee (or a state similar). These boots would be put to shame if they weren't paired with a nice pair of Levi's and a belt buckle.

+vans are a comfort shoe. Men who wear vans don't wear any other shoe. They like how they look and the simplicity of matching with them. The are usually found on the younger classmen, and on those that are still undecided about their major. Vans owners are usually laid back, and hate having their hair short enough to go to school here.

hiking boots/ trekking sneakers
+this is a real category. The majority of the time, I see these shoes paired with a nice pair of zip-off pants. I don't know what they are really called, but the pants that give you the option of being shorts by two simple zip-off cuffs. Hardly ever are these shoes found without a northface jacket... you know, for all of the outdoorsy stuff these individuals are involved in. I seem to think that this pool of individuals are geology, or recreational majors. These guys are your go-to for scout masters and young men camp leaders (if there is such a calling...)

+these shoes are warn by the most surprising of individuals. I say surprising because when one minute you think they are shy, they are the most out-going. Converse usually find home to those men smaller in stature, but not in creativity. The men that I see sporting them are the ones carrying the art pad and could design about any webpage you asked of him. These individuals don't care about how they dress or even what people think of them, because their own creativity is what drives them.

new balance.
+"are you in a fraternity? Are you Steve Jobs?" ...sorry, I had to quote a little Crazy, Stupid, Love for those of you who catch my drift. New balance sneakers are hardly caught without a pair of light colored jeans and a byu sports shirt. These men never miss a byu sporting event, or a class for that matter. They are the first ones to campus, and the last ones to leave. Studies come before everything for these individuals and they always seem like they are too busy to even laugh. Ryan Gosling was correct when referring to Steve Jobs, because in my theory... If you are a New Balance sneaker wearer, you are bound to be successful.

+you know what I am talking about ladies. not the big hefty snow boots, or the military combat boots, but the nice, brown leather boots. Boy knows his stuff if he is brave enough to style them into his wardrobe. Boots seem to catch one's eye when they are paired with a nice pair of dark jeans, a plaid shirt, and maybe a beanie on a cool morning. Men who sport these are hardly ever found without a pair of hipster glasses in their closet. They are also always the confident men who never would be found in a pair of sweats outside of their living quarters. These men online shop, and aren't ashamed of it.

+these men are your athletes. Not always the athletes that are proudly found in a full byu-blue jumpsuit, but the ones that enjoy a nice run after school, or looking at themselves as they do a few bicep curls. These men mostly prefer sweatshirts to a parka. Either paired with long pants or basketball shorts, nikes are rarely found without earbuds in the owners ears... you know, gotta get pumped up for the workout later. Some men will be found in non-workout attire but sporting the nikes. Don't be deceived ladies, they'll be heading to the gym in a few hours. Yes, and if you ask them if they workout, they would love to talk about it.

dress shoes.
+These men like the ones categorized with the boots are very confident. Rarely do you find a dress shoe wearer that isn't married. He is the man who combs his hair and is never found without his macbook. He mostly wears a sweater over a button-up and if he is feeling adventurous will accessorize with striped or polka dotted socks. This guy is smart. He is determined and always looking for new business opportunities. The majority of this grouping will be found in the Marriot School of Business. No questions asked.

+between the wooden souls, or the leather body, these shoes provide a variety of wearing occasions. The men that are found in zuriicks care about what they look like, but like to be creative in what they choose to wear. Observations do tell that the zuriick wearers are the charmers of campus. Girls like them because they always have fun things planned and always know the best parties to go to. Because of all of the different styles of zuriicks, they can be dressed up or down, but the wearer is always looking sharp.

boat shoes
+these seem to be a campus favorite. I think a lot of men get fashion ideas from their surroundings... we all do right? Boat shoes are a go-to for a lot of men, especially those who have been returned from their missions for under a year. The men who are found in these seem to think they care about what they look like, but would rather sleep than get up to style themselves. Men who sport boat shoes are spiritual giants but love to have a good time. They are always looking for things to do and would hate to spend a weekend without a few parties.

Hopefully I made you laugh rather than cry, and made you a little more observant rather than blind. So take my observations for what they are worth and keep your eyes open kids.

xox mccallrose