Sunday, September 23, 2012

not so simple saturday

My just so wonderful roommate, Annie, has never been to Salt Lake City! I could not pass up an opportunity to show her my home city. We really just had a fun filled day...

Starting off the afternoon at one of my top five lunch places, BLUE LEMON... yum. 

Temple square was by far the best part of the day. Being with Annie the first time she saw the Salt Lake temple was such a fun opportunity I got to be apart of. Actually taking time to look around temple square doubled my appreciation for it. I have always loved it, but today was just extra special. I loved being able to feel the spirit and there was no denying it. We are so lucky to have such amazing structures so close to us that represent the Gospel and can strengthen our testimonies.  

Yes, we went back to City Creek and shopped around a bit. I have recently had a pact to not spend a ton of money... so instead I decided to pick out things other people can buy me... for my birthday of course! 

After City Creek we continued our shopping... but somewhere where I usually don't reside. We have been wanting to decorate our apartment... but again, didn't want to spend money. Thankfully, we found some real GEMS at the D.I. I really wanted to spend $35 on this vintage record player... but I decided against it. 

After dinner and relaxing from being on our feet all day, we headed to the... BLOCK PARTY! It wasn't really that exciting... but it was free, loud, and fun to be with my lovely roommates. 
[Getting ready isn't something to complain about either]

 Sock bun? it was my first experience. 

Even though the record player wasn't purchased doesn't mean we couldn't purchase the actual records. Fifty cents for an Eagles Greatest Hits record? Yes please. $38 dollars later, hours of crafting, Pinterest stalking, and a little creative thinking.... 
We give you the new and improved: APARTMENT 15. 

I am pretty proud... go us!